Sidlesham WI have now RESUMED Meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm in the Parish Rooms. ( Next to St. Mary Our Lady Church )

Wednesday 13th November 2024

After a rendition of Jerusalem, Suzanne, the President, thanked Judy for conducting the last W.I. meeting in her absence. She said that the feedback she had received was that the Poetry Reading, by the membership, had been well received. So much so that another opportunity to read favourite poems and verse written by those present would be built into next years' programme.

There was a notification of a Candlelit Vigil against, Violence Against Women being held at the Chichester Cross at 6-7 p.m. on the 25th November. Participants are asked to wear the colour orange as this is the United Nations designated colour for this issue.

The Christmas Lunch Bunch will be on the 2nd December and a list, to sign, was circulated for those who wish to attend. A reminder was given to the people who have ordered tickets for the Boxgrove Priory WSFWI Carol Concert which takes place on the 5th December. Further details can be found in the West Sussex News.

Judy gave a report on the Annual Meeting which was held at Denman House in Horsham and she ran through the Sidlesham W.I. finances. Then the Speaker for the afternoon was introduced. Jane Reeve is from the Wittering Area Community Conservation Project. Jane spoke about the many volunteers who, over the years, have helped with mapping ditches and drainage on the manhood peninsula, worked on flood risk reduction and wetland recovery projects. Jane showed slides of water voles and talked about their place in the wetland ecosystem and the huge biodiversity benefits they bring. At the end of the presentation Suzanne thanked Jane for her 'fabulous talk' and said she had 'loved the pictures of the water voles.'

Tea and cake were then provided by Sue B and Ann W and the 'Bloom of the Month' competition was judged. First place went to Ann W with her Geranium, Second was Louisa with a Heuchera, and Third Suzanne with a pretty Verbena.

Next months' meeting will be the Christmas Party Meeting on Wednesday 11th December when Sheila Colby will grace us with 'Music of the Paraguayan Harp'.

This will be held at 2.15 p.m. in the Parish Rooms of St. Mary Our Lady Church.

Kim Hopkinson

Sidlesham WI formed in 1928

On Tuesday 5 January 1928 at 2.30pm a meeting was held in the Anchor Hall to discuss the possibility of starting a Womens' Institute in Sidlesham.

Mrs Wingate introduced the Hon. Mrs Colvin (West Sussex WI Chairman and VCO) who explained the objects of the WI.

45 women were present and 42 voted in favour of starting a WI. 14 of those present volunteered to form a Committee and Mrs Wingate was elected President. It was agreed that the meetings would be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 2pm.

On Tuesday 7 February 1928 the first meeting was held in the Anchor Hall at 2pm. The officers were: Mrs Wingate: President, Miss Fry: Vice-President, Mrs Hart: Honorary Treasurer and Miss Donkin: Honorary Secretary. It was agreed that the motto should be 'Unity is Strength'. The meeting closed with God Save the King.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon Englands' mountains green ?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On Englands' pleasant pastures seen ?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills ?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark Satanic mills ?

Bring me my bow of burning gold !
Bring me my arrows of desire !
Bring me my spear ! Oh clouds unfold !
Bring me my chariot of fire !

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In Englands' green and pleasant land.